Friday, 31 January 2014

The tree, the berries and the bird...

A tree, with red berries and a chirping robin. Imagine it.

I was awake at 3AM this morning and found myself quickly typing out this idea on my iPhone 'notes.' 

It all starts off with a tree, full of lush green leaves, and bright red berries. Along comes a bird and eats some of the berries. But theres always a few that just get left to shrivel up and die. 

To me this all connected to my thoughts (strangely). The tree was my head, the berries are my thoughts, emotions and worries and the bird is like a friend or technique. Let me explain my mad and crazy idea clearer...I can imagine you're all thinking get her to the mental hospital! But you'll see.

The berries are all on this tree, all growing and blooming, as are my thoughts, emotions and worries. They grow and grow, become more attached to me. Like a berry on a tree. But sometimes, these berries get blown off, or even pulled off to eat by the bird. This is like when you have a close friend to talk to, a counsellor or even a technique to blow away the thought or emotion and stop it from attaching to you further. There are however, some berries that get missed and left. These berries continue to grow, they can become a problem, as they finally take there toll and die away.  However, by just dying away they are also making room for new berries, new emotions to grow. Somehow, we have to get the bird to eat these berries, or make the wind blow strong enough to let them become unattached. No one person has the same type of berries, not even the same amount. No one person can predict exactly what berries will go and which will stay. No one person has the same type of bird, some people can allow there bird to take more berries than others. Some people can grow and lose there berries much quicker? Who knows? 

I personally don't think you can choose which 'berries' the bird decides to take? It's just luck, and perhaps the fact that some berries are easier to shift through the bird than others. 

My bird, last winter. Taken by me.

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